“That Woman deserves her Revenge…and we deserve to Die.”
Bud, Kill Bill Vol. 2
Revenge. One of the oldest theme for humankind that cyclically recurs. From Cain condemned for the killing of Abel, considered as a necessary act in Ancient Greece, then regulated in the Polis, to present days, the judgment on the feeling of revenge has known always conflicting verdicts.
In Revenge is a dish best served cold, Enrico Di Donato, starting as a famous film by Quentin Tarantino, presents the act of revenge as a powerful urge deep within each of us and always poised between abstraction, forgiveness and concretization. Always divided between “Yin” and “Yang”, between “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” and “Turn the other cheek”. The choice is yours.

“Bride” guitar
Body: spanish cedar
Neck: maple
Fretboard: ebony
Scale: 635mm (25″)
Frets: stainless steel
Aluminum frame: chrome plated
Pickups: 2 Custom didonato’s SC
Finish: Blood on Yang white
Capacitor: Audionote ® 0.022μF
Potentiometers: PEC® 500k – Log

“Bill” guitar
Body: mahogany
Neck: maple
Fretboard: ebony
Scale: 635mm (25″)
Frets: stainless steel
Aluminum frame: chrome plated
Pickups: 2 Custom didonato’s SC
Finish: Blood on Yin black
Capacitor: Duelund Alexander® 0.022μF
Potentiometers: PEC® 500k – Log